

Teaching Objectives

  • To make the student know Dalton’s atomic theory, Thomson’s model of atom, Rutherford’s scattering experiment and Bohr’s model of atom.
  • To make the student understand the properties of sub-atomic particles viz. protons, electrons and neutrons and what are the modern views of atom.
  • To make the student know the extra nuclear part of the atom and the rules regarding distribution of electrons in various shells.
  • To make the student understand how to write electron configuration of atoms.
  • To make the student know the concept of valency, valence electrons and types of valencies.


Learning Objectives

  • At the end of the chapter the student should know Dalton’s atomic theory, Thomson’s model of atom, Rutherford’s scattering experiment and Bohr’s model of atom.
  • The student should also know the properties of sub–atomic particles viz. pro- tons, electrons and neutrons and what are the modern views of atom.
  • The student is expected to understand the extra nuclear part of the atom and the rules regarding distribution of electrons in various shells.
  • The student should understand how to write electron configuration of atoms.
  • The student should know the concept of valency, valence electrons and types of valencies. Structure of atom


It is extremely important for the students to understand the atomic structure because it forms the base for knowing chemistry and would help the students to develop interest in the subject and move on to higher ambit of professional competence.

