Heat and Temperature

Heat and Temperature

Imagine a hot body in contact with a cold body. Transfer of thermal energy takes place from the hot body to the cold one. That part of the thermal energy which gets transferred from hot body to cold one is called heat. Transfer of thermal energy takes place from a body at a higher temperature to a body at a lower temperature. In this process the transferred heat energy received by the body becomes a part of the thermal energy of that body

A kettle of water is supplied with heat from a gas burner, the temperature of the water rises. Heat is the cause and rise in temperature is the effect. Temperature determines the direction of flow of heat from one body to another. Temperature is the fundamental quantity. This cannot be expressed in terms of other fundamental quantities like length, mass and time.

Heat is a form of energy. It produces the sensation of warmth. Temperature is the measure of degree of hotness or coldness of a body. Heat is a measure of the total energy content of the molecules in an object. It is a measure of the average K.E. of the molecules in an object. It is the cause. Temperature is the effect. It is a derived quantity. Heat is a fundamental quantity S.I unit joule (GS. erg). Temperature  is measured in Degree Celsius  or S.I. unit Kelvin
