

Teaching Objectives

  • To make the students know that a process in which chemical change takes place is called a chemical reaction.
  •  To make it clear to the students that substances which take part in a chemical reaction are called reactants and the substances that are produced are called the products.
  • To make the students understand that during a chemical reaction, numbers of atoms of different elements remain the same but they are rearranged. Old bonds are broken and new bonds are formed.
  • To highlight that chemical reactions are classified as –(i) combination (ii) decomposition (iii) double decomposition (iv) neutralization (v) displacement (vi) redox reactions.
  • To make the student know that a chemical reaction in which two or more substances combine to form a single product is called a combination reaction and that a chemical reaction in which a substance breaks up into two or more simpler substances is called a decomposition reaction.
  • To make the student know that a chemical reaction in which the constituents ( cations and anions ) of two compounds mutually exchange their places to form two new compounds is called a double decomposition or double displacement reaction
  • To make the student understand that a chemical reaction in which an acid reacts with a base ( or alkali ) to form salt and water in aqueous medium is called a neutralization reaction
  • To make the student know that a chemical reaction in which a more active element displaces a less active element from its solution is called a displacement reaction.
  • To make the student understand that that a chemical reaction in which addition of oxygen or removal of hydrogen takes place is called oxidation reaction and the reaction in which addition of hydrogen or removal of oxygen takes place is called a reduction reaction.
  • To make the student know that different reactions proceed with different rates. The rate of a chemical reaction is affected by factors like nature of reactant, size of particles, concentration of substances, temperature and use of catalyst.
  • To make the student know that catalysts find number of applications in industrial processes.


Learning objectives

  • The student should be able to know about a chemical reaction, reactants and products and that the number of atoms of different elements remains the same but, they rearrange themselves.
  • The student are expected to learn that chemical reactions are classified as –(i) combination (ii) decomposition (iii) double decomposition (iv) neutralization (v) displacement (vi) redox reactions.
  • The student should know that a chemical reaction in which two or more substances combine to form a single product is called a combination reaction. For example, 2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO
  • The student should understand that a chemical reaction in which a sub- stance breaks up into two or more simpler substances is called a decomposition reaction. For example, CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
  • The student should know about a double decomposition reaction (cations and anions) of two compounds. For example, PbCl2 + 2 KI → PbI2 + 2 KCl
  • The student should be able to learn about a neutralization reaction. For example, HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O
  • The student should be able to understand a displacement reaction. For example, Zn + FeSO4 → ZnSO4 + Fe
  • The student should be able to understand about oxidation and reduction reactions. For example, 2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO ; CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O
  • The student be able to learn about different rates of reactions and the factors that affect the rate and the concept of a catalyst.
  • The student should know that catalysts find number of applications in industrial processes.

