

We are all surrounded by matter. We see a variety of things around us like water, milk, oil, plants, trees, sand, stones, automobiles, tables chairs etc. They are all matter. They have different shapes, size, mass and volume. Ever since man began to observe things around him, he started classifying matter into three broad classes solids, liquids and gases. Matter around us is present in these three physical states. The same matter can be present in one or more forms. For example, water can be found as water vapour, water and ice. These are three different physical states of water which have the same chemical composition. Matter can also be classified on the basis of its composition viz. elements, compounds and mixtures which have different characteristics. Some gaseous matter is invisible to human eye even when it exist. These and such other things arouse our curiosity about matter and its composition. Let us gather some more information about matter, its classification and its properties.
