Why is air polluted?

Why is air polluted?   Air pollution is the introduction of Chemicals, Unhygienic Particles, or Biological Materials into the Atmosphere, and this cause degradation of the natural air. This results in discomfort or disease to the living beings. Air is polluted due to release of certain unwanted gases in the atmosphere by industries, vehicles and burnt substances. Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide are the major gases released. However, the Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide get absorbed by the trees and Oxygen is released during photosynthesis. This is a natural purification system. But, with reduction in forest cover this natural purification has been degraded. This leads to more unwanted gases to remain in the air in higher percentage. Sulphur Dioxide and Floro-Chloro-Carbon materials also pollute the air. Even decaying biological matter pollutes the air. All this also makes the atmosphere get heated beyond tolerable limits and reduces the Ozone layer in the Stratosphere and Mesosphere. Reduction of Ozone layer causes more ultraviolet rays of the sun to enter the atmosphere and reach the surface. That is harmful.  If we plant more trees, we would win half the battle against air pollution. The other half could be won by ensuring control over industrial pollutants and regulations on vehicle emissions. It is thus important for us to be aware and proactive in controlling the pollution and thereby remain healthy and also help reduce the rise in atmospheric temperature.   